MM2100 Industrial Town | The World's Best Value industrial Town
MM2100 Industrial Town development area is 805 ha Located at west cikarang, Bekasi Prefecture, West Java Province, Indonesia. Beside Jakarta – Cikampek Toll Road with direct access to the Toll Road via Cibitung Interchage.
Kawasan Industri Terbaik 2015 | MM2100 Industrial Town
Jun 6, 2018 · Pengelolaan yang prima menjadikan kawasan industri MM2100 meraih predikat kawasan industri terbaik di Indonesia. Berbagai fasilitas yang membedakan dengan kawasan lain membuat investor betah berada di kawasan ini.
Tenant | MM2100 Industrial Town
No. Block No. Company Name: Business Type: Phase I&II: 1: B-1,B-1-2: PT.Tirta Alam Segar: Warehousing & Manucfacturing for Consumer Goods: 2: B-2: PT. Argo Pantes
Company | MM2100 Industrial Town
MM2100 Industrial Town is a fully integrated Industrial Estate developed by PT. Megalopolis Manunggal Industrial Development (PT. MMID). Established in 1990 by Marubeni Corporation of Japan and the Manunggal Group of Indonesia, the estate is presently known as one of the best value industrial estate in Indonesia.
Our Project | MM2100 Industrial Town
MM2100 Industrial Town development area is 805 ha devided in 3 phases, Phases I: 240 ha and Phase II: 120 ha Sould Out and Phase III: 445ha Sould Out. Fully integrated Industrial Estate developed by PT.
Contacts | MM2100 Industrial Town
MM2100 Industrial Town. Address MM2100 Industrial Town Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 17520 West Java, Indonesia. Telephone Office +62 21 8981001/ +62 8118114324 PMK +62 21 8980113/ +62 8119502100. Facsimile +62 21 8981002. Email mkt-sales@mmid.co.id. Contact Us. Name. Email Address. Message. Submit.
Location Map | MM2100 Industrial Town
MM2100 Industrial Town is located beside Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road with direct access to the Toll Road via Cibitung Interchange, with smooth flow and free from trafic jam. 30 km from Jakarta CBD (Central Business District)
Infrastructure | MM2100 Industrial Town
Industrial Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant. 3 Unit Water Treatment Plant : Unit I Capacity 12,000 m3 /day; Unit II Capacity 30,000 m3 /day; Unit III Capacity 30,000 m3 /day
Facilities | MM2100 Industrial Town
MM2100 Asuka Japanese Restaurant (View) Asuka Hotel. Asuka Restaurant. Commercial needs. Lotte Wholesaler; Banks /ATM; Restaurant /Food Court; Shop Houses (Ruko) Lotte Mart. food cord. Bank/ATM. Shop house/Ruko. Peace and Order. Police & Security Quarter; Fire Station; 24 Hours Hospital; Fire Station. Telp +62 21 8980113.
Industrial Town - MM2100
MM2100 Industrial Town development area is 805 ha devided in 3 phases, Phases I: 240 ha and Phase II: 120 ha Sould Out and Phase III: 445ha Sould Out.