Display Reception Reports - PSKReporter
Large markers are monitors. Reception reports shown as times.
Digimode Automatic Propagation Reporter
Enter at least a six character locator as it marks your location on the map with more accuracy. On the frequencies tab, you should specify your antenna (on a per-band basis). On the reporting …
GridTracker - Home
Highly advanced mapping of real-time and historical contacts on a vivid, highly customizable, interactive map. Many overlays are supported, such as Greyline, real-time award tracking, …
Using PSK Reporter Website as a Propagation Tool - eHam.net
Jun 26, 2019 · PSK Reporter, www.pskreporter.info/pskmap.html, is a powerful tool for monitoring your FT8, JT65 or PSK signals around the world. But, even if you are not transmitting on any …
QSO/SWL real time maps and lists
Send formated DX spots indicating clearly both locators and the type or propagation! The rest of information is useless and it doesn't interest anybody. Do not chat in the DX-Cluster. It's for …
Using PSK Reporter Website as a Propagation Tool
Aug 15, 2019 · PSK Reporter, www.pskreporter.info/pskmap.html, is a powerful tool for monitoring your FT8, JT65 or PSK signals around the world. But, even if you are not transmitting on any …
DX Propagation Tool In Real Time: - eHam.net
There is software whose name can be misleading about their full functionality and purpose, it's the case for the impressive of simplicity and efficiency PSK Reporter, that offer a real time …
PSK reporter | PAØROB
The PSK Automatic Propagation Reporter automatically gathers reception records of PSK activity. Example PSK reporter has a similarity with WSPR with the difference that PSK reporter shows …
Is it possible for PSKreporter data to be displayed on the GridTracker map?
Apr 15, 2021 · PSK reporter shows everyone who heard anyone at whatever filter condition you set at the top of the page. The Spots in GT only shows you who heard you transmit using …
Quick reference PSK links
This site has PSK resources, and links to clubs and groups who are very involved in PSK. Who is on PSK right now? This link will show you who is reporting what and where. PSKREPORTER …