Home - 12Stone Church
Mar 9, 2025 · 12Stone Church is a place to find answers about the Bible and make connections with people. We care for the needs of every age and circumstance. There are multiple campuses across Lawrenceville, Buford, Braselton, Snellville, Duluth, and Flowery Branch, Georgia as well as expanding micro-churches set in homes across the United States.
Locations - 12Stone Church
Where is 12Stone Church? 12Stone Church has multiple campuses and service times across Lawrenceville, Buford, Braselton, Snellville, Duluth, and Flowery Branch, Georgia. 12Stone is also expanding to micro-churches set in homes across the United States. Find the …
Watch - 12Stone Church
Watch the full library of 12Stone videos online. Content includes sermons, worship music, testimonies, prayer gatherings, student gatherings, and videos for kids.
Connect - 12Stone Church
The easiest and best way to get connected at 12Stone is by simply stepping into Growth Track. Growth Track consists of three unique sessions where you get to know 12Stone, discover your strengths & develop your God-given gifts to make an impact.
Worship - 12Stone Church
Love 12Stone Worship? Listen to meaningful worship any time, any where. Watch Worship videos or stream 12Stone Worship on Spotify and Apple Music. Our Worship team builds an experience to encounter God wherever you are.
Events - 12Stone Church
12Stone events are opportunities to experience God and community, whether in service, worship, or personal growth. See what's ahead on our Events page and register your family in less than a minute.
Giving - 12Stone Church
Give through 12Stone and partner with us to invest in the Kingdom of God! Have questions about giving? We answer our most frequently asked questions.
About - 12Stone Church
What does 12Stone Church believe? Who is our Senior Pastor? Find out about our history, core values, and how 12Stone is moving forward with relentless ambition.
Staff - 12Stone Church
Looking for a 12Stone staff member? Find the full directory of the 12Stone Leadership team, Pastors, and staff members with ways of contact. We’re here to help.
Unshakeable | 12Stone Church – A Two-Year Discipleship Journey
God is leading us into a two-year discipleship journey, and it is the first time ever for our church. 12Stone Church was built for a season like this, and so were you, yet it’s not about us. It’s about Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us.